Consultants Univers inc. CAD Novation
  Éditions Univers


Simplicity - Efficiency - Integration - Flexibility
The Need

The industrial companies doing tailormade solutions spend up to 40 % of their time in the drawing room to conceive and to verify the exactness of the bill of material.

The big gaps are situated beyond the simple enumeration of items of a drawing. It is at first and above all a communications problem between departments.

The process begins at the moment the sales department receives a contract, continues in the purchasing department for the special items then in the engineering room then back to purchasing and to sales / estimation to loop the loop, without considering the others potential departments.

Another major need is the treatment of links between drawings to create lists of assemblies, spare parts, instructions for transportation, etc.

The Solution

The solution consists of a core and custom modules allowing to make the link with your in-house modules. It touches 3 groups of people:

Outside of the drawing room

For those who do not have AutoCAD, a Navigator allows to browse the whole project. According to his privileges, he can compile, modify items or send messages to the various people.

Inside of the drawing room

Besides a Navigator, the draftsmen have tools allowing the full reliability of the data, either they are counted in the unit, in length or in surface as well as piece of information exchanged between drawings.

The full control

The administrator of the eBOM solution has a module to define the rights and the privileges of every individual besides defining the drawings standards.

The Results
• Decrease of the time spent in a drawing
• Better management of the items not drawn, in the unit, in length and in
• Reduction of error in the calculation of a drawing.
• Creation of relations between drawings.
• Reduction of the errors between drawings.
• Creation of families of product and diverse hierarchies.
• Increased communication between draftsmen and other departments.
• Possibility of initiating a bill of material before producing drawings
• Re-use of the information from a project to the other one.
• Better access to the piece of information, even without AutoCAD.
• Links with your management system.
• Fully compatible to AutoCAD Mechanical.
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